The BCF obtains all of its money from donations.
Every year we help many British people needing support while in Belgium. We rely on the generosity of people like you to help us continue this vital work. Donate to the BCF and contribute to the provision of this vital support.
There are several ways in which you can make a difference:
1. Make a regular donation
A regular gift will help us to expand the support we can provide as it allows us to plan ahead for our future projects.
By setting up a Direct Debit you can choose how much and how often you donate. And before your first donation you'll be sent a letter of thanks, along with confirmation of your details. If you need to make any changes to your regular gift at any time we'll be happy to do this for you.
2. Make a single donation
Many of our supporters choose to make a one-off donation, in memory of a loved one they have lost, in thankful recognition of help the BCF has provided to someone they know, in solidarity with affected Britons in Brussels.
If you use electronic banking, here are our details:
The British Charitable Fund ASBL
Rue au Bois 509
1150 Bruxelles
IBAN BE37 3101 8900 8428 / BIC BBRUBEBB
Otherwise you can use print out the form below:
3. Sponsor a specific activity
There are several regular activities made available to beneficiaries in Brussels. All of these depend on the time and effort of volunteers to achieve, but also require some funding.
You can support one of these events:
Sponsor a volunteer driver’s petrol costs - EUR 15,00
Sponsor the Wednesday Club activities - EUR 20,00
Sponsor a single persons Celebration lunches - EUR 30,00
4. Raise money for BCF
We're really pleased you're interested in raising money for BCF.
Whether you run, walk, swim, bake cakes, sell your art work or dye your hair blue, your efforts will make a substantial difference for many needy Brits in Belgium. Please contact us before starting any initiative to ensure your enthusiasm and efforts are consistent with BCF’s rules and regulations. Leave your details with us and we'll get back to you.
5. Leave a gift in your will
Gifts in wills can play a vital part in funding BCF’s work, sometimes for decades.
Today you can follow in the footsteps of other supporters who have chosen to include BCF in their wills, and together we can continue to support Brits in Belgium. For anyone considering legacies, there is a system available known as “legs in duo”, whereby money can be left to a relative and to a registered charity at the same time. The charity – BCF – pays all the inheritance tax and, because it is officially recognised, is subject to a reduced tax burden. Thus, more money goes to both family and the charity.
More information as to how this works in detail, please contact David Humphreys:
or (02) 633 28 82
Leave your details with us and we'll get back to you.
6. Corporate donation
Would you consider nominating BCF to benefit from your company’s charitable budget?
Does your company have a charitable trust, foundation or charity committee; a charity of the year or payroll giving?
Do you work for a company who may wish to make a donation to support distressed Britons in Belgium?
Charities usually have to be nominated by a member of staff to benefit from a company’s charitable budget. Please suggest the BCF to your company. Get in touch with us to discuss how to go about it and let us know if you would like one of us to make a presentation to your charity committee.
* Donations to the BCF are recognised by the Belgian Ministry of Finance and donations of 40 EUR and above are tax deductible.